FAQ Moonlights Community Customer Reviews Add, Modify Or Delete A Review On A Series

add, modify or delete a review on a series

Add a review to a chapter

If you are logged in to Mymoonlights, you can add a comment at any time by following the steps below: :

  1. Go to your member area « MY MOON »,
  2. Click on « My reviews ».
  3. Choose the story of a series from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on the chapter you wish to comment on.
  5. A new page appears with the title « Create a comment », select the number of stars and add a comment.
  6. Click on « CONFIRM » to save your comment.


Modify a comment on a chapter

If you are logged in to Mymoonlights, you can edit a comment at any time by following the steps below :

  1. Go to your member area « MY MOON ».
  2. Click on « My reviews ».
  3. Choose the story of a series from the drop-down list.
  4. Click on the chapter you wish to comment on.
  5. A new page appears with the title « Modify a comment », select the number of stars and add a comment.
  6. Click on « CONFIRM » to save your comment.


Delete a comment on a chapter

If you are logged in to Mymoonlights, you can edit a comment at any time by following the steps below :

  1. Go to your member area « MY MOON ».
  2. Click on « My reviews ».
  3. Choose the story of a series from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the chapter to be deleted by clicking on the cross.
  5. A pop-up window appears, asking for your confirmation.
  6. Click on "Yes, I'm sure" to delete your comment.


A chapter marked « LOCKED »  :

  • You cannot add or modify a comment on this chapter. It will be unlocked as soon as you buy it.

A chapter with the words « COMING SOON » :

  • The chapter is not yet on the site, but will be soon.

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